Born and raised in a little town called Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Andrew David Richard Pahl was born to his father Henry Robert Pahl and Mother Bonny Ethel DeLorey. Andrew’s father is a full blood Tsimshian Raven from the Gitgaa’t Nation. As such, Andrew is also part of the Tsimshian tribe via the Raven clan. His upbringing and childhood were quite traumatic in many ways, including going to a roman catholic private school throughout elementary called Annunciation.
Andrew was abused – physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally, for many years starting at the age of 4 and it carried on until he was 15. However, he was always involved in his indigenous roots of cultural and traditional ways of living off the land and being connected spiritually to animals and mother nature. Much of his knowledge was passed down to him by his grandfather John Pahl (Eagle Clan) and late grandmother Maise Pahl (Raven Clan). From making homemade fry bread, jarring sockeye to hunting, fishing, and picking medicine. His grandparents played a massive role in his upbringing.
He has always been a fun loving, outgoing, caring person as his parents and family taught him strong morals and values. He started in the work force at a young age at an Italian restaurant in his hometown where he was a dishwasher after school, and during the day, where his dad would drop him off. Andrew was in Glee Club and spent a lot of his time singing in a church choir and playing sports such as hockey, golf, and tennis. Yet, while masking with drugs and alcohol to hide the pain and anguish of the abuse both physically and sexually, Andrew went through some very dark times in his life. At 13 he was already playing with the idea of taking his own life and suicide loomed over him, most days.
Andrew found himself in trouble with the law and in with the wrong crowd, so he decided to move to Vancouver Island at the age of 19 to pursue and continue in the work force. He ended up spending many years on Vancouver Island, not really keeping friends or jobs as his addiction got worse and worse, never better. The “wrong crowd” became an affiliation with a well-known gang, drugs and organized criminal activity. He also spent some time in prison due to his accelerated addiction and the choices that he made. 
Since then, Andrew has decided to take the reins in his life. Thus, at 32 years old, with a 4-year-old daughter and a recent release from prison, he decided to change the trajectory of his story and got sober. Andrew spent 90 days in a treatment facility on Vancouver Island. He got sober on March 7th of 2011 and has not looked back since. Through his trials and tribulations of building a great foundation to work with he has since healed from his very traumatic upbringing and now works to help others do the same.
Having recovered from his addiction to alcohol and drugs he now puts all his passion into his daughters (15 and 10) and his love of helping others. Kaurbyn Pahl, his eldest daughter, is one of the lead singers in Katch 22″ and is a very talented, aspiring artist. His youngest daughter Jorja Grace is also beginning her connection to his group and will one day also sing in Katch 22″. Andrew is a wonderful father and a positive role model to our future generations and hopes to spread a message of connection, hope and unity through his music and culture.
He wants to carry the message about the importance of mental health, healing from trauma and one’s connection to self. “I’m just happy I made it out alive, every day above ground is a good day”, claims Andrew, “I just want to spread our message to those in need, especially our youth”. Andrew has big plans to keep bringing awareness to our youth about active drug addiction and ways to mitigate the risk. He plans to use cultural and traditional ways of healing and mentorship programs in high schools across the nation to replace the addiction with connection to oneself, love, and unity.
Andrew’s personal music is all original. It has a blues-hop vibe with an engaging energy. It’s written and performed by him and his band mates Jesse DeWispelaere (Nameless), Sarah Tomei (Sally Singer) and daughter Kaurbyn Pahl (Lil Taurbs). He prides himself on giving everyone a chance to blossom in their own creative way, both as individuals and in the advancement of Katch 22″. “We must let our youth blossom on their own and help guide them when they need it.” Andrew realizes that for there to be lasting change he must continue to break the cycle of trauma by teaching his children how to heal, so they in turn will teach the future generations the same. Openly involving his daughters in the creation of music, as it brings them together, they share the same passion and it helps them heal together.
“We all love music so much; we always jive out and keep it classy”.